Bruised Apples

All I know is that it felt special to have someone looking out for me that day. And I see educators looking out for kids in so many ways in our schools too. Perhaps they are extending kindness to students that one special person extended to them when they themselves were in school. And that's the ripple effect. That's a legacy of learning.

Daily Fresh Starts

This is what I mean by being gentle with ourselves. Maybe stop being so hard on yourself. We can push ourselves and hold ourselves to high expectations without shaming and blaming ourselves. OK, so maybe you wished you had handled that situation differently. Maybe you wished you had eaten better yesterday. Maybe you didn't get all of your steps in or didn't get all of your papers graded.

A Note about the End of the School Year

So, while many are counting down the days until the school year ends and summer begins and trust me, I get it. Let's not forget to slow down time in a good way for students. Some students won't be excited to be away from school, to be away from the love of the staff, or to be away from the routines that make them feel safe. So, how might we make these last precious days feel special and savored in our classrooms? Yes, there will be fun field days and perhaps pep rallies, but how might we make our classrooms feel a smidge different in these final weeks? Perhaps a trip outside for instruction, a new learning game, a change in seating arrangements. Every little move we make will allow us to savor the precious time we have with each other this school year. And I don't want us to wish that away. It matters because we matter. We matter to each other. And this work matters to the future of our communities and this world.

Unearthing Hidden Gems

I don't want us to miss out on the opportunity to unearth the hidden gems of potential that live inside people. Both those currently working and learning inside of our organizations and those interested in joining us. Because when we overlook the good in others, we miss out on contributions those individuals could be making too.

Alignment AND Autonomy

But when we do this kind of work well, our systems and collaborative model actually begin making the work easier versus harder. We do hard things at the start to make our work more enduring and manageable long-term. When our systems and structures support us in thoughtful ways, we can actually experience more joy, creativity, and success in our daily work with students. It's yes and. Not yeah but.

The Value of Free Space

But it does make me wonder what it would look like to simply make more space for a little bit of nothing in our work, so our brains can process, invent, reflect, and refresh.

Turning Fear into Excitement

I'm sharing this because we need to normalize fear. We are human beings. Of course we are scared. Sometimes even terrified. But if we don't push through discomfort, if we don't learn to talk to ourselves in ways we would talk to someone we love, we won't have what it takes to solve the world's really complex and daunting problems. Our future and the future of this world quite literally depends on our response to discomfort.

The Power of 1%

Imagine if an entire staff committed their 4.5 minutes a day or 30 seconds each bell to an impactful instructional move and did so every day for an extended period of time. Even when we didn't feel like it. This kind of radical commitment and consistency on something that requires little time and effort on our parts can lead to incredible growth.

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